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Handspun and handknitted shawl
Monoprinted on silk chiffon
Printed nuno felt vessel
Printed, nuno felted and hand stitched panel
Hand stitched and beaded felt vessel
Whitework vessels
White hand stitched vessel
Vessel with nuno felted collar
Hand stitched vessels
Hand stitch detail from a vessel
Close up from a book cover
Handspunon a drop spindle
Bottom detail from a felt pot
Inspired by fungi
Various wool vessels
Nuno wrap and flower
Hand embroidered detail from a book cover
Felt wreath
Detail from a felt wreath
Detail from a felt skirt
Felted heart wreath
Wreath detail
Hand embroidered nuno book cover
Handspun and handknitted teddy bear
Felt and stitch book cover
Book cover detail
Detail from a spring inspired handbag
Felted book cover
Felt covered curlew
Handwoven British wool rugs
Seaquest garden sphere
Detail of nuno scarf
Tree of life
Detail from a wall hanging using beach glass and fisherman’s rope
Nuno felt scarf
Spinning on a great wheel
Ruffled scarf
Shetland wool handbag
Stitched nuno felt book cover
Jacob wool pot
Rust dyed vessel
Rust dyed vessel
machine stitched, nuno felted vessel